The Best of Me
I felt like writing about giving those around us the best of ourselves. Love has and always will be a mystery to us. I have however discovered that when someone gives you their best, this act or deed gives you a glimpse of what love is. In 2014, I fell in love with a song called "The best of me" by an artist called Swoope on his album Sinema. The song is about all the things we do for love, a beautiful description of what we might call in this situation the labor for love. My favorite part of the song is when Natalie Lauren sings " I can't let it take control of me, I promise to stay, I promise you'll see, I promise to give you the best of me". I'm guessing Swoope wrote this when he was feeling pressure to please his fans. This is a price that everyone in the spotlight must pay, becoming a slave for love and all actions geared to winning the hearts of the masses. For those who aren't really in the limelight, this pressure manifests in trying to win...